const PLATFORM = "PeerTube"; var config = {}; /** * Build a query * @param {{[key: string]: any}} params Query params * @returns {String} Query string */ function buildQuery(params) { let query = ""; let first = true; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) { if (value) { if (first) { first = false; } else { query += "&"; } query += `${key}=${value}`; } } return (query && query.length > 0) ? `?${query}` : ""; } function getChannelPager(path, params, page) { log(`getChannelPager page=${page}`, params) const count = 20; const start = (page ?? 0) * count; params = { ... params, start, count } const url = `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${path}`; const urlWithParams = `${url}${buildQuery(params)}`; log("GET " + urlWithParams); const res = http.GET(urlWithParams, {}); if (res.code != 200) { log("Failed to get channels", res); return new ChannelPager([], false); } const obj = JSON.parse(res.body); return new PeerTubeChannelPager( => { return new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, v.displayName, v.url, v.avatar ? `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${v.avatar.path}` : ""); }), > (start + count), path, params, page); } function getVideoPager(path, params, page) { log(`getVideoPager page=${page}`, params) const count = 20; const start = (page ?? 0) * count; params = { ... params, start, count } const url = `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${path}`; const urlWithParams = `${url}${buildQuery(params)}`; log("GET " + urlWithParams); const res = http.GET(urlWithParams, {}); if (res.code != 200) { log("Failed to get videos", res); return new VideoPager([], false); } const obj = JSON.parse(res.body); return new PeerTubeVideoPager( => { return new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, v.uuid,, name: ?? "", thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(`${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${v.thumbnailPath}`, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,,,, ? `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${}` : ""), datetime: Math.round((new Date(v.publishedAt)).getTime() / 1000), duration: v.duration, viewCount: v.views, url: v.url, isLive: v.isLive }); }), > (start + count), path, params, page); } function getCommentPager(path, params, page) { log(`getCommentPager page=${page}`, params) const count = 20; const start = (page ?? 0) * count; params = { ... params, start, count } const url = `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${path}`; const urlWithParams = `${url}${buildQuery(params)}`; log("GET " + urlWithParams); const res = http.GET(urlWithParams, {}); if (res.code != 200) { log("Failed to get comments", res); return new CommentPager([], false); } const obj = JSON.parse(res.body); return new PeerTubeCommentPager( => { return new Comment({ contextUrl: url, author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, v.account.displayName, `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}/api/v1/video-channels/${}`, ""), message: v.text, rating: new RatingLikes(0), date: Math.round((new Date(v.createdAt)).getTime() / 1000), replyCount: v.totalReplies, context: { id: } }); }), > (start + count), path, params, page); } source.enable = function (conf) { config = conf ?? {}; }; source.getHome = function () { return getVideoPager('/api/v1/videos', { sort: "best" }, 0); }; source.searchSuggestions = function(query) { return []; }; source.getSearchCapabilities = () => { return { types: [Type.Feed.Mixed, Type.Feed.Streams, Type.Feed.Videos], sorts: [Type.Order.Chronological, "publishedAt"] }; }; = function (query, type, order, filters) { let sort = order; if (sort === Type.Order.Chronological) { sort = "-publishedAt"; } const params = { search: query, sort }; if (type == Type.Feed.Streams) { params.isLive = true; } else if (type == Type.Feed.Videos) { params.isLive = false; } return getVideoPager('/api/v1/search/videos', params, 0); }; source.searchChannels = function (query) { return getChannelPager('/api/v1/search/video-channels', { search: query }, 0); }; source.isChannelUrl = function(url) { return url.startsWith(`${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}/video-channels/`); }; source.getChannel = function (url) { const tokens = url.split('/'); const handle = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; const urlWithParams = `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}/api/v1/video-channels/${handle}`; log("GET " + urlWithParams); const res = http.GET(urlWithParams, {}); if (res.code != 200) { log("Failed to get channel", res); return null; } const obj = JSON.parse(res.body); return new PlatformChannel({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, name: obj.displayName, thumbnail: obj.avatar ? `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${obj.avatar.path}` : "", banner: null, subscribers: obj.followersCount, description: obj.description ?? "", url: obj.url, links: {} }); }; source.getChannelCapabilities = () => { return { types: [Type.Feed.Mixed, Type.Feed.Streams, Type.Feed.Videos], sorts: [Type.Order.Chronological, "publishedAt"] }; }; source.getChannelContents = function (url, type, order, filters) { let sort = order; if (sort === Type.Order.Chronological) { sort = "-publishedAt"; } const params = { sort }; if (type == Type.Feed.Streams) { params.isLive = true; } else if (type == Type.Feed.Videos) { params.isLive = false; } const tokens = url.split('/'); const handle = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; return getVideoPager(`/api/v1/video-channels/${handle}/videos`, params, 0); }; source.isContentDetailsUrl = function(url) { return url.startsWith(`${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}/videos/watch/`); }; const supportedResolutions = { '1080p': { width: 1920, height: 1080 }, '720p': { width: 1280, height: 720 }, '480p': { width: 854, height: 480 }, '360p': { width: 640, height: 360 }, '144p': { width: 256, height: 144 } }; source.getContentDetails = function (url) { const tokens = url.split('/'); const handle = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; const urlWithParams = `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}/api/v1/videos/${handle}`; log("GET " + urlWithParams); const res = http.GET(urlWithParams, {}); if (res.code != 200) { log("Failed to get video detail", res); return null; } const obj = JSON.parse(res.body); const sources = []; for (const streamingPlaylist of obj.streamingPlaylists) { sources.push(new HLSSource({ name: "HLS", url: streamingPlaylist.playlistUrl, duration: obj.duration ?? 0, priority: true })); for (const file of streamingPlaylist.files) { let supportedResolution; if (file.resolution.width && file.resolution.height) { supportedResolution = { width: file.resolution.width, height: file.resolution.height }; } else { supportedResolution = supportedResolutions[file.resolution.label]; } if (!supportedResolution) { continue; } sources.push(new VideoUrlSource({ name: file.resolution.label, url: file.fileDownloadUrl, width: supportedResolution.width, height: supportedResolution.height, duration: obj.duration, container: "video/mp4" })); } } return new PlatformVideoDetails({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, obj.uuid,, name:, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(`${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${obj.thumbnailPath}`, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,,,, ? `${plugin.config.constants.baseUrl}${}` : ""), datetime: Math.round((new Date(obj.publishedAt)).getTime() / 1000), duration: obj.duration, viewCount: obj.views, url: obj.url, isLive: obj.isLive, description: obj.description, video: new VideoSourceDescriptor(sources) }); }; source.getComments = function (url) { const tokens = url.split('/'); const handle = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; return getCommentPager(`/api/v1/videos/${handle}/comment-threads`, {}, 0); } source.getSubComments = function(comment) { return getCommentPager(`/api/v1/videos/${}/comment-threads`, {}, 0); } class PeerTubeVideoPager extends VideoPager { constructor(results, hasMore, path, params, page) { super(results, hasMore, { path, params, page }); } nextPage() { return getVideoPager(this.context.path, this.context.params, ( ?? 0) + 1); } } class PeerTubeChannelPager extends ChannelPager { constructor(results, hasMore, path, params, page) { super(results, hasMore, { path, params, page }); } nextPage() { return getChannelPager(this.context.path, this.context.params, ( ?? 0) + 1); } } class PeerTubeCommentPager extends CommentPager { constructor(results, hasMore, path, params, page) { super(results, hasMore, { path, params, page }); } nextPage() { return getCommentPager(this.context.path, this.context.params, ( ?? 0) + 1); } }