# Interverse [Try it out!](https://libresolutions.network/Interverse) [Demo video](https://storage.gabe.rocks/LibreSolutionsNetwork/Interverse%20Demo.mp4) ## A decentralized discovery service that allows you to easily discover like-minded sites. * No complicated software to run (beyond an existing website) * No Cryptocurrency/NFT * Scalable * Extensible ### Protocol neutrality Clients should be able to easily be ported to TOR/Gemini/IPFS/ect ### Can I join? You don't need my permission! Simply follow these steps and you're online! 1) Grab the [example file](https://codeberg.org/gabe/Interverse/src/branch/main/interverse-example.json) or you can grab the one from [the Libre Solutions Network](https://libresolutions.network/.well-known/interverse) 2) [Check out the docs](Docs/readme.md) 3) Modify it with your data 4) Serve that file from **your.website/.well-known/interverse** 5) Ensure that the webserver also adds the correct header: `access-control-allow-origin *` 6) Feel free to test your setup by visiting: https://libresolutions.network/Interverse?url=your.website ### How do I run the client myself? 1) `git clone https://codeberg.org/gabe/Interverse.git` 2) `cd Interverse/Client` 3) `python -m http.server` 4) Hack away! ### Can I create my own client? Please do! If you need any help getting started feel free to get in touch with me by e-mailing gabriel@libresolutions.network --- Compatible with [Discover](https://codeberg.org/onasaft/Discover)