# Interverse v0.1 ## Requirements Interverse is currently an open alpha. No breaking changes are anticipated **Links** * All links must be **absolute links** * _Avoid leaving slashes `/` at the end_ ## Fields: --- ### version *float* Current version is `0.1` Clients may check for a version --- ### client *url string* Interverse is designed to be decentralized. On the Web it may be handy to link the website's own client. --- ### name *string* Any name you choose, this will appear in previews from other sites/clients. --- ### image *url string* The image you wish to appear for previews. --- ### location *url string* The url for your website --- ### resources *resource object* This field is intended to feature content on your website. ### resource_groups *resource groups* ``` { "Group1":[resource object,..], "Group2":... } ``` **resource object:** Fields: * **label**: *string* The label for the resource * **icon** *url string* The icon for the resource * **location** *url string* The location of the resource * **description** *string* the description of the resource --- ### connections *list of urls* Connections are what makes interverse powerful. When you connect to someone else their link or preview appears. --- ### connection_groups *connection groups* ``` { "Group1":["https://example.com",..], "Group2":... } ``` a object where each property is the tag or label for the group for the list of connnection urls. Instead of a simple list you may prefer to group your connections by a tag or topic. --- ### contact *list of contact objects* A contact object is a simple what/where object. `{"email":"you@your.website}` Any contact information you wish to share. --- ### onion *a Tor onion address* You can add your sites onion address. --- If you have any questions don't hesitate to e-mail gabriel@libresolutions.network