--- title: 'Canadian Cyber Freedom' weight: 3 --- Learn how to [get started!](/how/getting-started/) ### Resources - [LEGISinfo](https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/) - [Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms](https://www.jccf.ca/) - [Michael Geist](https://www.michaelgeist.ca/) - [CCLA](https://ccla.org/our-work/privacy/) - [Reclaim the Net](https://reclaimthenet.org/) - [The Citizen Lab](https://citizenlab.ca/) - [Electronic Frontier Foundation](https://eff.org) - [Open Media](https://openmedia.org/) ### To Do: - ✅ Properly setup repository - ✅ Test Webhook once more with feeling - ✅ Separate theme - ✅ Test Git push - ✅ Test Git pull - Write how-tos - Create demo videos - Update shortcodes & partials - RSS Feeds